


            1. 包裝袋規格:
            單袋: 85-180mm(寬)×100-220mm(高)
            雙袋: 65-90mm(寬)×100-220mm(高)
            2. 生產速度:              
            單袋: 40-60袋/分鐘
            雙袋: 80-120袋/分鐘
            3. 粉劑類包裝范圍:5-100g(根據物料比重會有不同)
              水劑類包裝范圍:5 -120ml (根據物料比重會有不同)
            4. 電源: 380V  三相四線
            5. 總功率:4KW
            6. 計量誤差:≤±1%
            7. 卷膜直徑:Ф500mm
            8. 工作氣壓:0.6-0.8MPa
            9. 耗氣量:0.8m3/min
            10. 外形尺寸:3260mm ×1020mm ×2390mm
            11. 機器重量:1050 kg
            Automatic Horizzontal Packing Machine+mechanical hand+workingtable
            This machine is based on the advanced experience of home and abroad bag packing machine ,new generation of the large dose bag packing machine
            Adopts the PLC and touch screen operating system,can realized the functions of film roll→ bag forming→filling→ bag making→sealing→finished product conveying in one machine. With  the special requirements,it also can count the bag by mechanical hand  and then collect the bags into box or cartons manually
            The  machine controled by PLC system, it can realize the packaging of powder, granules, liquid and viscous liquid when changing packing heads. It can do the three-side and four-side sealing easily. Can choose the function of double-bag or single -bag packing . The parts contacting with the material adopt 316 high-quality stainless steel, the other parts use the 304 stainless steel. The whole machine accords to the GMP requirements, easy to disassemble and clean.
            Technical parameters:
            1. Bag size :
            single bag: 85-180mm(w)×100-220mm(H)
            double bag : 65-90mm(w)×100-220mm(H)
            2. Packing speed :
            single bag:40-60bags/min
            double bag :80-120bags/min
            3. Volume:(powder)5g-100g/ (liquid)5-120ml (according to the proportion of materials)
            4. Voltage: 380V(three-phase four -wire )
            5. Power:4Kw
            6. Filling precision:≤±1%
            6. Roll film diameter:500mm
            7. Air pressure: 0.6-0.8Mpa
            8. Air consumption: 0.8m3/min
            9. Dimensions:3260* 1020*2390mm
            10. Weight:1050 kg




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